Day Forty Four.
Got some pretty epic creative work done today. I'm building an online learning portal for the Surf business and it's starting to look fucking epic.
So that feels pretty cool.
Also, had a pretty fun surf at this random spot just off the highway just driving down to Christchurch. It was freezing, with heaps of seals (so a little bit sketchy on the shark front), but sick nonetheless.
What have I learned today...
Well, I've been loving my introspective, EFT early morning walks in nature. They've been such a good thing to do each morning, just kind of inwardly looking at myself and addressing any/all shit that pops up - which it inevitably does.
Other than that, aside from a rad evening walk on a secluded beach, just another standard day on the road.
What I did good
What I did bad
Tasks for tomorrow, to be better than I was today:
Get the work that I did today, and build on it and make it from fucking sick, to fucking amazing.
- Rowan.