Day Forty Six.
Got up early again and did my introspective EFT walking this morning which was real nice once again.
Tried to get stuck into some work and stuff after that, but overall a fairly unfruitful day.
I always tend to have these days when we’re visiting city’s. It’s one of those things because I’m probably never going to come to Christchurch again, so I know I need to make the effort to check it out properly, but I never really feel that amazing after doing it.
Don’t know what the perfect answer is to this conundrum and travel, in fact I don’t think there is one. Anyway, good to know from here on out anyway.
I’m getting to the end of the E-Myth book which I must admit has been great. It’s been the perfect reading for where I’m at right now in the business. Check on drug rehab.
Building systems is my fucking go to. I absolutely love it. This is where I thrive so I’m loving this process.
Not much more to say other than that I saw the second hot girl so far in the South Island at this super nice bar tonight. Nice to know they’re still out there…
What I did good
- Had a sick Introspective walk this morning.
- Saw a girl I fancied.
What I did bad
- Felt a little bit miserable (probably lack of sleep).
Tasks for tomorrow, to be better than I was today:
Same as yesterday: Finish the E-Myth book, create full plan for business and go crush it.
– Rowan.