May 24

24/05/2021 Personal Values & Integrity Index

Day Twenty Two

I feel like I'm starting to get this whole values thing a lot more today. It's about who you really are, the honest you, broadcast to the world.

You can hide it, but you'll hate it (and probably yourself for that matter).

I've just started listening to a new book by Martha Beck, called Integrity (or something along those lines), and it's been quite insightful.

I'm beginning to see a connection between living your truth, integrity, and living in accordance with your values.  I can't quite pinpoint it, but I feel like there's something there that I'm going to be finding out of the next days/weeks.

But on that note, I'm really starting to feel like the real me is beginning to come out more and more and I'm feeling freer to express it more too.  And it feels really nice.

Today we started out in place called Orewa.  Had a surf (it was cold and shit), met a friend, then drove right the way to the other coast, and then made a snap decision to fang it down 2 hours south to chase waves in Raglan.

It's pretty frickin liberating.

What I did good

  • Surfed
  • Listened to my new book.
  • Brainstormed some real good strategic ideas for the surf school.
  • Helped my daughter drop into a skate ramp for the first time.

What I did bad

  • Emptied the grey water of the van on the side of the road.

Tasks for tomorrow, to be better than I was today:

Listen to my new book a lot more, start the building stages for the business.

- Rowan. 


Current Progress
Current Progress
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